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Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol - 1 Wythnos ar ôl yn unig / Active Travel Survey - Only 1 weeks left

Dim ond 1 wythnos sydd ar ôl ichi rhannu eich barn ar Deithio Llesol Ynys Môn, gyda siawns o enill wobr anhygoel yn yr cystadleuaeth. (Gweler isod)

Cystadleuaeth – Hoffech chi i’ch enw gael ei rhoi mewn het am gyfle i ennill mis o aelodaeth campfa am ddim? Drwy gystadlu, rydych yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn ennill.

Rydym yn cynnal cystadleuaeth i bobl sydd wedi ychwanegu eu sylwadau, i ennill 1 mis o aelodaeth i gampfa – os hoffech i’ch enw fynd i’r het, ewch i, sgroliwch i ddewis y prosiect ‘Ynysmon3’ a chliciwch ar y bocs nesaf i’r opsiwn cystadleuaeth (prize draw). Byddwch yn sydyn gan fod 1 wythnos yn unig sydd ar ôl i ymuno yn yr Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol Ynys Mon.

Dymuniadau gorau.


There is only 1 week left for you to take part and have your say on Anglesey's Active Travel, with a chance of winning an incredible prize in the draw. (See below)

Prize Draw - Would you like to be entered into a prize draw to win a 1 month free gym subscription? By entering you agree to be contacted by email if you are the prize winner.

We are running a prize draw for people who have added comments, to win a 1 month free gym membership - if you would like to enter the prize draw, please visit, scroll to your preferences for the 'Ynysmon3' project, and check the box next to the 'prize draw' option.' Be quick as there is only 1 week left to take part in the Anglesey Active Travel Survey.

Best wishes

Posted on 23rd November 2021

by Gwion Jones

Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol - 2 Wythnos ar ôl yn unig / Active Travel Survey - Only 2 weeks left

Dim ond 2 wythnos sydd ar ôl ichi rhannu eich barn ar Deithio Llesol Ynys Môn, gyda siawns o enill wobr anhygoel yn yr cystadleuaeth. (Gweler isod)

Cystadleuaeth – Hoffech chi i’ch enw gael ei rhoi mewn het am gyfle i ennill mis o aelodaeth campfa am ddim? Drwy gystadlu, rydych yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn ennill.

Rydym yn cynnal cystadleuaeth i bobl sydd wedi ychwanegu eu sylwadau, i ennill 1 mis o aelodaeth i gampfa – os hoffech i’ch enw fynd i’r het, ewch i, sgroliwch i ddewis y prosiect ‘Ynysmon3’ a chliciwch ar y bocs nesaf i’r opsiwn cystadleuaeth (prize draw). Byddwch yn sydyn gan fod 2 wythnos yn unig sydd ar ôl i ymuno yn yr Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol Ynys Mon.

Dymuniadau gorau.


There is only 2 weeks left for you to take part and have your say on Anglesey's Active Travel, with a chance of winning an incredible prize in the draw. (See below)

Prize Draw - Would you like to be entered into a prize draw to win a 1 month free gym subscription? By entering you agree to be contacted by email if you are the prize winner.

We are running a prize draw for people who have added comments, to win a 1 month free gym membership - if you would like to enter the prize draw, please visit, scroll to your preferences for the 'Ynysmon3' project, and check the box next to the 'prize draw' option.' Be quick as there is only 2 weeks left to take part in the Anglesey Active Travel Survey.

Best wishes

Posted on 16th November 2021

by Gwion Jones

Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol - 3 Wythnos ar ôl yn unig / Active Travel Survey - Only 3 weeks left

Dim ond 3 wythnos sydd ar ôl ichi rhannu eich barn ar Deithio Llesol Ynys Môn, gyda siawns o enill wobr anhygoel yn yr cystadleuaeth. (Gweler isod)

Cystadleuaeth – Hoffech chi i’ch enw gael ei rhoi mewn het am gyfle i ennill mis o aelodaeth campfa am ddim? Drwy gystadlu, rydych yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn ennill.

Rydym yn cynnal cystadleuaeth i bobl sydd wedi ychwanegu eu sylwadau, i ennill 1 mis o aelodaeth i gampfa – os hoffech i’ch enw fynd i’r het, ewch i, sgroliwch i ddewis y prosiect ‘Ynysmon3’ a chliciwch ar y bocs nesaf i’r opsiwn cystadleuaeth (prize draw). Byddwch yn sydyn gan fod 3 wythnos yn unig sydd ar ôl i ymuno yn yr Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol Ynys Mon.

Dymuniadau gorau.


There is only 3 weeks left for you to take part and have your say on Anglesey's Active Travel, with a chance of winning an incredible prize in the draw. (See below)

Prize Draw - Would you like to be entered into a prize draw to win a 1 month free gym subscription? By entering you agree to be contacted by email if you are the prize winner.

We are running a prize draw for people who have added comments, to win a 1 month free gym membership - if you would like to enter the prize draw, please visit, scroll to your preferences for the 'Ynysmon3' project, and check the box next to the 'prize draw' option.' Be quick as there is only 3 weeks left to take part in the Anglesey Active Travel Survey.

Best wishes

Posted on 9th November 2021

by Gwion Jones

Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol - 4 Wythnos ar ôl yn unig / Active Travel Survey - Only 4 weeks left

Dim ond 4 wythnos sydd ar ôl ichi rhannu eich barn ar Deithio Llesol Ynys Môn, gyda siawns o enill wobr anhygoel yn yr cystadleuaeth. (Gweler isod)

Cystadleuaeth – Hoffech chi i’ch enw gael ei rhoi mewn het am gyfle i ennill mis o aelodaeth campfa am ddim? Drwy gystadlu, rydych yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn ennill.

Rydym yn cynnal cystadleuaeth i bobl sydd wedi ychwanegu eu sylwadau, i ennill 1 mis o aelodaeth i gampfa – os hoffech i’ch enw fynd i’r het, ewch i, sgroliwch i ddewis y prosiect ‘Ynysmon3’ a chliciwch ar y bocs nesaf i’r opsiwn cystadleuaeth (prize draw). Byddwch yn sydyn gan fod 4 wythnos yn unig sydd ar ôl i ymuno yn yr Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol Ynys Mon.

Dymuniadau gorau.


There is only 4 weeks left for you to take part and have your say on Anglesey's Active Travel, with a chance of winning an incredible prize in the draw. (See below)

Prize Draw - Would you like to be entered into a prize draw to win a 1 month free gym subscription? By entering you agree to be contacted by email if you are the prize winner.

We are running a prize draw for people who have added comments, to win a 1 month free gym membership - if you would like to enter the prize draw, please visit, scroll to your preferences for the 'Ynysmon3' project, and check the box next to the 'prize draw' option.' Be quick as there is only 4 weeks left to take part in the Anglesey Active Travel Survey.

Best wishes

Posted on 2nd November 2021

by Gwion Jones

Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol - 4 Wythnos ar ôl yn unig / Active Travel Survey - Only 4 weeks left

Dim ond 4 wythnos sydd ar ôl ichi rhannu eich barn ar Deithio Llesol Ynys Môn, gyda siawns o enill wobr anhygoel yn yr cystadleuaeth. (Gweler isod)

Cystadleuaeth – Hoffech chi i’ch enw gael ei rhoi mewn het am gyfle i ennill mis o aelodaeth campfa am ddim? Drwy gystadlu, rydych yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn cytuno i ni gysylltu â chi drwy e-bost os mai chi fydd yn ennill.

Rydym yn cynnal cystadleuaeth i bobl sydd wedi ychwanegu eu sylwadau, i ennill 1 mis o aelodaeth i gampfa – os hoffech i’ch enw fynd i’r het, ewch i, sgroliwch i ddewis y prosiect ‘Ynysmon3’ a chliciwch ar y bocs nesaf i’r opsiwn cystadleuaeth (prize draw). Byddwch yn sydyn gan fod 4 wythnos yn unig sydd ar ôl i ymuno yn yr Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol Ynys Mon.

Dymuniadau gorau.


There is only 4 weeks left for you to take part and have your say on Anglesey's Active Travel, with a chance of winning an incredible prize in the draw. (See below)

Prize Draw - Would you like to be entered into a prize draw to win a 1 month free gym subscription? By entering you agree to be contacted by email if you are the prize winner.

We are running a prize draw for people who have added comments, to win a 1 month free gym membership - if you would like to enter the prize draw, please visit, scroll to your preferences for the 'Ynysmon3' project, and check the box next to the 'prize draw' option.' Be quick as there is only 4 weeks left to take part in the Anglesey Active Travel Survey.

Best wishes

Posted on 26th October 2021

by Gwion Jones